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Architects ensure that the work is professionally done and that it meets the requirements of Building Control. Architects help to make sure the building is well-designed and realistic. An architect can also help you find the best builder for your work and can manage the project whilst keeping within your budget.

It is best to hire an architect as soon as you are ready to begin designing your construction project. The earlier the better! We are happy to provide rough estimates for the cost of your project and can provide some preliminary designs at the start of the process

You will have an initial meeting with us to discuss your requirements and make sure that you are choosing the right architect for the job. We will discuss your ideas, concepts and our experience in relation to them.

This depends on the size of the project and how long it takes for the client to make decisions, amongst other things. After our initial meeting a timeframe can be outlined.

We will help to guide you through this process. We will draw up the plans based on council guidelines and organise any paperwork and arrangements for the construction project.

The Design Team should be established as soon as possible to avoid abortive work.

Concept Associates provides complete Architecture services including master planning, facility assessments, complete interior design services, programming, site evaluation and selection, cost estimating, construction, construction observation and inspection services.

The Project Manager (PM) serves as the main point of contact with the client on each project. The PM is responsible for directing coordination of the day-to-day activities of a project. We also assign a Principal-In-Charge (PIC), or one of the partners of the firm, as a secondary point of contact to ensure the client has multiple points of contact.

We have an experienced Interior Architecture and Design team that offers comprehensive services, including project management, programming, space planning, tenant finish, space evaluation, code review, millwork design, branding/graphics, materials and finish selection, furniture and fixture specification, lighting selection and design, signage and way finding, cost estimating, and aesthetic evaluation.

CONCEPT ASSOCIATES buildings are designed to be environmentally sensitive and to incorporate sustainable design in as many areas of the facility as possible. We can work with each client to design energy efficient and high performing buildings. Our specifications routinely carry a Construction Pollution Prevention Plan. This specifically defines job site requirements for erosion control, storm water management, waste controls, spill prevention, and environmental procedures. Contractors are required to have a completed Waste Management Plan detailing the recycling and reuse of as many materials involved in the construction process as possible.

CONCEPT ASSOCIATES uses the latest technology available on all projects. CONCEPT ASSOCIATESutilisesAutodesk Revit ® Building Information Modelling (BIM) software for design drawings and production of construction documents. CONCEPT ASSOCIATES also utilizes SketchUp® software, which is an excellent tool for developing 3D site/building computer models quickly. Furthermore, CONCEPT ASSOCIATES drawings are efficiently planned using latest licenced versions of AutoCad.

CONCEPT ASSOCIATES has an architecture fee schedule for basic services, which includes structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering, as well as standard construction administration services when based on awarding a single construction contract. When specific building types require additional services, such as Civil Engineering, Acoustical Engineering, Data-Telecommunications, etc., those services and additional costs will be provided through CONCEPT ASSOCIATES.

CONCEPT ASSOCIATES is committed to ensuring a smooth and quality construction process for each of our projects. During construction, CONCEPT ASSOCIATES performs both office and field administration to review the progress and quality of the work being performed. As the project progresses, jobs are seen an average of twice a week. We also schedule monthly construction meetings with contractors, their major subs and the owner to review questions, problems, schedules and coordination issues.